
Alberta Education’s Assurance Framework is a system for schools and school authorities to consistently assess progress and demonstrate success. The framework has five assurance domains with related performance measures that enable schools and school authorities to show their communities how they are performing each year:

Student Growth & Achievement

The ongoing progress of students’ learning, relative to identified provincial learning outcomes that enable them to engage intellectually, grow continuously as learners, and demonstrate citizenship.

Teaching & Leading

Teachers and leaders apply appropriate knowledge and abilities to make decisions that demonstrate professional practice standards, which result in quality teaching, leading, and optimum learning for all students.

Learning Supports

Using resources to create optimal learning environments where diversity is embraced, a sense of belonging is emphasized and all students are welcomed, cared for, respected and safe.


Processes that determine strategic direction, establish policy and manage fiscal resources.

Local & Societal Context

Engagement practices that enable the education system to proactively respond to the learning needs and diverse circumstances of all students.

One of the key ways that schools demonstrate accountability and provide assurance is through the development and publication of their Education Plans and Annual Education Results Reports (AERRs). Education Plans identify priorities, outcomes, measures and strategies to improve in key areas, while the AERR provides the results achieved from implementing the plan.

2023-2026 HAK Education Plan

HAK 2022-23 AERR